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Layer Blend Modes e-book

You will learn all about Photoshop’s secret weapon; Layer blending modes. Discover practical uses for these powerful Modes. Even some obscure ones will suddenly become invaluable. Includes a chart showing all the Layer Blending Modes in Photoshop.

Photoshop Action Pack

Here are 5 Photoshop actions that include the hottest retouching techniques as well as popular, in-demand effects, include Frequency Separation, Pencil Sketch, Dodge and Burn, High-pass Sharpening and Slide Sandwich .

Colin’s Cloud Pack

Photoshop now has an amazing sky replacement feature. Photoshop ships with a few generic skies. Here are 5 of Colins’s dynamic skies shot with a drone in High resolution, these will add immesnse impact to your photos.


A premium collection of 15 Lightroom / Camera RAW presets. Apply eye-catching color grades and stylistic looks in a single click. Make the details pop, or add a trendy edge to your images. Soften the mood, or add a sense of drama instantly.


Our wildly popular CS6 Superguide, is a 77 page super guide, written by some of the biggest names in the industry. It covers all the major Adobe products. We couldn’t retire this one, because there is SOO much demand.


A step beyond Presets, are Color Profiles. These new Profiles work in Camera Raw and Lightroom to bring stunning looks that aren’t possible with the sliders alone. Enjoy a set of 5 custom profiles to add style and pizazz.

cloud brushes

If you have wanted to create your own realistic clouds, fog and smoke, look no further. Colin created this set of 5 cloud Brushes so you can paint in your own photo realistic atmospheric effects. They are game changing.

Color grading LUTs

LUTS have become an insustry standard way to apply specific color grades to photos, images, even video instantly. The same color LUTSwork in Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After effects etc. Get Cinematic Colors with these LUTS.

Keyboard shortcut cheat sheet

Here is a handly PDF with the most useful keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. Print out a copy and tape it to your monitor, because you will be using this little Cheat Sheet all the time.